okta expression language tester

or, user.isMemberOf({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}). To catch user attributes that are null or blank, use the following valid conditional expression: user.employeeNumber != "" AND user.employeeNumber != null ? character. Convert to lowercase and append. Note: Explicit references to apps aren't supported for OAuth 2.0/OIDC custom claims. The following rules apply to conditional expressions: The following functions are supported in conditions: Note: Use the double equals sign == to check for equality and != for inequality. This means regex is very useful during the analysis of log files: instead of searching for simple terms, you can use regex to quickly find more accurate results. Canada/East-Saskatchewan, Canada/Saskatchewan, America/Fort_Wayne, America/Indianapolis US/East-Indiana, America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia, America/Catamarca, Etc/GMT+0, Etc/GMT-0, Etc/GMT0, Etc/Greenwich, GMT, GMT+0, GMT-0, GMT0, Greenwich, Europe/Belfast, Europe/Guernsey, Europe/Isle_of_Man, Europe/Jersey, GB, GB-Eire, Europe/Ljubljana, Europe/Podgorica, Europe/Sarajevo, Europe/Skopje, Europe/Zagreb, Australia/ACT, Australia/Canberra, Australia/NSW, Be sure to pass the correct App name for the. Obtain Firstname value. When you use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to create a custom expression for devices, you reference attributes that exist in the Okta Device Profile. When you create an Okta expression, you can reference any attribute that lives on an Okta User Profile or Application User Profile. If you have another app to register users, you could add some logic there. Less typing. Finally, don't forget to check out the documentation of your particular regex dialect before you dive into constructing regex strings! Group rules don't usually specify an ELSE component. Choose Add Claim and provide the requested information. To reference an IdP User Profile attribute, specify the IdP variable and the corresponding attribute variable for the IdP User Profile of that Identity Provider. They like to follow a DRY principle - "Don't Repeat Yourself". And here's a great regex cheat sheet if you ever forget what a particular operator means. Obtain and append the Lastname value. Another idea is the other IdP is sets a static claim that you consume. 2023 Okta, Inc. All Rights Reserved. user.profile.managerId : "jsmith@example.com", (user.isMemberOf({'group.id': '00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3'}) && user.isMemberOf({'group.id': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'})) ? (courtesyTitle + " ") : honorificPrefix != "" ? For ID tokens, in the second dropdown choose Always or Userinfo/id_token request. Log in to Okta portal. (All platforms), FULL The disk is fully encrypted. When we use the user.department syntax, the output displayed is Null. The following should be noted about these functions: The previous functions are often used in tandem to check whether a user has an Active Directory or Workday assignment, and if so, return an Active Directory or Workday attribute. For example, the following condition requires that devices be registered, managed, and have secure hardware: This notifes us that the user's department is empty. For example. In the example given "+", the plus sign, concatenates two objects together. The actions in these cases are group assignments. Otherwise, assign the user's manager. Variables - These are the elements found in your Okta user profile. You can't use these functions with property mappings. To reference an Okta User Profile attribute, specify user. Okta offers a variety of functions to manipulate properties to generate a desired output. BIOMETRIC Passcode and biometrics are set on the device. The app can then use that information to limit access to certain app-specific behaviors and calculate the risk profile for the signed-in user. For example: I want to add an attribute to IDPs called idp_type, so that I can add types to different IDPs that I can use in my business logic. String.replace (user.email, "example1", "example2") VMware-56 5d e2 35 bd d8 66 75-5a bc 10 06 4c 6a fb 85. user.employeeNumber : user.nonEmployeeNumber, If a Profile attribute has never been populated, catch it with the following expression: user.employeeNumber == null, If a Profile attribute was populated in the past but the content is removed, it's no longer null but an empty string. Request an ID token that contains the Groups claim . Assumptions user.findGroupAndGetOwners({'group.id': 'groupId'}, 'USER')[0]. From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 6, including position 6. If your organization configures multiple instances of the same application, the names of the subsequent instances are differentiated by a randomly assigned suffix, for example: zendesk_9ao1g13. For example, let us assume that we have a user named Ryan Howard, whose application data existed within Active Directory (AD). She began her career as a web developer and fell in love with security in the process. Okta Expression Language is based on SpEL(opens new window)and uses a subset of the functionalities offered by SpEL. Do you have existing users this needs to apply to? Don't use them to retrieve an app user's group memberships. Note: If you're using the Okta Expression Language for the Global session policy and authentication policies of the Identity Engine, use the features and syntax of the Okta Expression Language in Okta Identity Engine. The only way I can think to do this is to build my own service to hold custom data for an IDP, and add it onto a users JWT with inline hooks. Okta FastPass is a cryptographic, multi-factor authenticator that provides a frictionless, passwordless authentication experience to end users and peace of mind to IT and security administrators. For guidelines, see Table 1. For example, you can use regex to create rules to block requests to certain file types. So far the only way I can think to do this is to have my own database to store IDP-specific custom data. Regex skills are probably one of the most underrated security skills. Directory > Profile Source > Okta Profile. User properties referenced in an expression must exist. Obtain the Lastname value and convert it to lowercase. In API Access Management custom authorization servers, you can name a claim scope. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, Expression Language attributes for devices, Add a custom expression to an authentication policy, Okta Expression Language information for developers, Create an endpoint security integration authentication policy, Allow or deny custom clients in Office 365 sign on policy. Or, you might combine the firstName and lastName attributes into a single displayName attribute. After the first ? We then write our if/else and say if age is greater than the number 16, we will assign the canDrive to a string value of yes else we will assign it to a string value of no. All rights reserved. See Expressions for OAuth 2.0/OIDC custom claims. and the attribute variable name. [Value if TRUE] : [Value if FALSE], If the middle initial isn't empty, include it as part of the full name using just the first character and appending a period. Check if the user has an Active Directory assignment, and if so, return their Active Directory manager UPN. For a list of core User Profile attributes, see Default Profile properties. (macOS, Windows), SYSTEM_VOLUME Only the system volume is encrypted. So what can we do with regex? See the parameter examples section of Use group functions for static group allowlists. To include a granted scope array and convert it to a space-delimited string, use the following expression: String.replace(Arrays.toCsvString(access.scope),","," "). Before we dive into the basics of regex syntax, please note that regex has many different versions. You can also use regex to find all the IP addresses that show up in access logs. One of the ways you can use regex is to perform complex text searches. Security Context is made up of the risk level (opens new window) and the matching User behaviors (opens new window) for the request. If you leave it blank, then this claim includes all users. Step-up authentication with security signals from CrowdStrike Okta provides a default subject claim. See Application properties. If they do, the value is true, else it is false, Find the user's manager's name and join that manager's string name with this string @website-two.com which would be jane.doe@website-two.com, Finally we grab the else part of the parent ternary operator. Its beneficial to develop and test your expression before adding a new dynamic attribute. Obtains the value of the device profile's registered attribute. If the attributes are filled out within AD and are being synced to Okta, we should be able to use the examples listed above to push data to other applications such as Office 365, this can be checked using the Profile Editor under Mapping from Okta to Office 365. Obtain Email value. Expressions allow you to reference, transform, and combine attributes before you store them on a User Profile or before passing them to an application for authentication or provisioning. Obtains the value of the device profile's unique device ID (UDID) attribute. Indicates whether the device runs as an emulator. Otherwise, assign the user's manager. To catch these empty strings, use the following expression: user.employeeNumber == "". You can think of regex as consisting of two different parts: constants and operators. In addition to an Okta User Profile, all Users have a separate Application User Profile for each of their applications. The function determines the input type and returns the output in the format specified by the function name. Include in: Specify whether the claim is valid for any scope, or select the scopes for which its valid. Okta Expression Language is based on SpEL (opens new window) and uses a subset of the functionalities offered by SpEL. From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 1, including position 1. For some practice writing regular expressions, play the RegexOne game. Group functions return either an array of groups or True or False. Delete claims that youve created, or disable claims for testing or debugging purposes. Obtain Firstname value. Assign the group owner as the reviewer for a group that has one or more owners. Dynamic application attributes are attributes which are based on an expression rather then a specific field or value. Simple, right? To find a list of available attributes (variables), you can log into your Okta instance and navigate to, Directory > Profile Editor > Okta Profile. "groupreviewer@example.com" : null, (user.isMemberOf({'group.profile.name': 'West Coast Users'}) && !user.isMemberOf({'group.id': '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'})) ? You can use expressions to concatenate attributes, manipulate strings, convert data types, and more. Every programming language has it's own version of if/else statements. Note: You can call the parseCountryCode function on the String representations of ISO 3166-1 2-character country codes (Alpha 2), 3-character country codes (Alpha 3), numeric country codes, and country names. This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. Indicates if the mobile device has been jailbroken or rooted. For an example of using group functions, and for more information on using group functions for dynamic and static allowlists, see Customize tokens returned from Okta. Our client wanted Okta to automatically change the employee's manager's email to have a domain of website-two.com or website-three.com depending on a certain logic. Okta API. It uses regex patterns to detect specific text or binary patterns in files that might indicate that the file is malicious. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, device.profile.osVersion.versionGreaterThan > 14.2.1'. Before creating Okta Expression Language expressions, see Tips. How to define a default value for a Custom Attribute? From the result, retrieve characters greater than position 0 through position 1, including position 1. Test Testing computed attributes is most easily done using the Access Gateway sample header application. Since JavaScript is fairly ubiquitous in the world of coding we'll use that to explain an if/else statement written programmatically. However, all regex tends to build upon the same set of generic rules. You would go to the Profile Editor and locate Office 365. In the Profile Editor pane, select the Users tab and then Identity Providers. It does not check whether there are tokens on the secure hardware. So to test your regex strings, use the Regex101 regex tester. "westcoastreviewer@example.com" : "otherreviewer@example.com". Obtain the Lastname value. Obtain Firstname value, append a "." Steps. The third example for the Time.now function shows how to specify the military time format. You can use ChromeOS only with the device.profile.platform attribute. Created a test value as an integer, and am still getting the same issue. Convert it to lowercase. Use either the group's ID or name to reference a group in your expression. First off, these regex operators match with single characters: We also have a number of operators that specify the number of characters we are matching: There are a lot more advanced regex features that you can use to perform more sophisticated matching. Add a custom expression to an authentication policy. Obtains the value of the device profile's International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) attribute. Now that's what I call efficient! A example of a dynamic attribute might be a value representing a end users full name, which must be constructed from other elements such as "First name", followed by a space, followed by "Last name" or something similar. In general, device attributes can only be used if Okta FastPass is enabled. The following functions aren't supported in conditions: For these samples, assume that the user has the following attributes in Okta. Use the following symbols to denote an operator: Users who are in a department whose name includes the word 'communications' or are in the Human Resources department; and, Users who arent a member of the EMEA group; and. Gets the assistant's app user attribute values for the app user of any appinstance. This topic was automatically closed 24 hours after the last reply. https://platform.cloud.coveo.com/rest/search, https://support.okta.com/help/s/global-search/%40uri, https://support.okta.com/help/services/apexrest/PublicSearchToken?site=help, [Condition] ? I drive a new-generation IT team, eliminating routine IT, business, and engineering operations company-wide to leave challenging and exciting work for people. When you create an Okta expression, you can reference EDR attributes and any property that exists in an Okta Device Profile. Select Directory > Profile Editor. If the claim isnt included, the client must use an access token to get the claims from the UserInfo endpoint. Click Next. Some popular expression examples below: For FirstName.LastName, use the following expression: user.firstName . Obtains the value of the device profile's operating system version attribute. I got it to work with String.stringSwitch in Okta Expression Language. 'groupreviewer@example.com' : user.profile.managerId, user.isMemberOf({'group.id': {'00gjitX9HqABSoqTB0g3', '00garwpuyxHaWOkdV0g4'}}) ? Note: You can also access the User ID for each user with the following expression: user.getInternalProperty("id"). The App name can be found as described in the Application user profile attributes. Enter the expression which represents the value of the dynamic attribute value. Users who are in at least one of the three groups - Interns, Contractors, or Partners. Once that is completed, you can use the following syntax to call attributes stored in AD. To reference a users attribute for Okta, youll need to reference User and a specified attribute. Operations - used to concatenate or otherwise operate on variables. Many people use regex to specify firewall rules. Indicates if the mobile device app was repackaged by an unknown third party. in our monster Okta Expression we see: The secret to solving nested ternary operators is starting from the inside of the expression and working your way out, We grab the condition and find out if it is true or false, In the parent ternary operator we gained access to a specific user and this is the user we are checking if they exist in this instance of Workday. Obtain the Firstname and Lastname values and append each together. Important Note: You can view a list of attributes by navigating to: Directories > Profile Editor > Directories > Active Directory. Check out A Deep Dive Into Okta FastPass to learn more about how FastPass works. Use operators in your custom expression to handle decisions. For the example below, well assume that we have a user called Ryan Howard (ryan.howard@ironcovesolutions.com). These values are converted into arrays. Okta Expression Language Application Username Format - Custom Steps Use the following Expression: String.replace (Attribute, match, replacement) Example: Custom application username format expression to convert a username such as jdoe@example1.com to jdoe@example2.com. forum. Choose Add Claim and provide the requested information. Otherwise, assign the Fallback reviewer. "West coast contractors" : "Others". Note: The toInteger functions round the passed numeric value (or the String representation of the numeric value) either up or down to the nearest integer. By default, the authorization server doesnt include them in the ID token when requested with an access token or authorization code. It seems almost impossible to wrap your head around this Okta Expression the first time you see it but let's break into into more digestible pieces. In the above fragment of code we have a simple if/else statement written in JavaScript. The following operators and functionality offered by SpEL aren't supported in Okta Expression Language: When you create an Okta expression, you can reference any property that exists in an Okta User Profile in addition to some top-level User properties.

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