manuscript under editorial consideration nature biotechnology

Out of . nature biotechnology submission guidelines Submission Guidelines When submitting your manuscript, please read the following guidelines, which will help you through the submission and. The article will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs. The above should be summarized in a statement and placed in a Declarations section before the reference list under a heading of Funding and/or Competing interests. You might also want to check what the different statuses displayed by the journal are, e.g., does it specify peer reviewer assigned, peer review complete, etc., as separate steps? Please note, this decision must be made at the time of initial submission and cannot be changed later. 1 Answer to this question Answer: The status "Under Editorial Consideration" for this journal is equivalent to the status "Manuscript submitted successfully" which shows up for most journals once the submission is complete. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Please note that, in addition to the above requirements, funding information (given that funding is a potential competing interest (as mentioned above)) needs to be disclosed upon submission of the manuscript in the peer review system. . When suggesting reviewers, the Corresponding Author must provide an institutional email address for each suggested reviewer, or, if this is not possible to include other means of verifying the identity such as a link to a personal homepage, a link to the publication record or a researcher or author ID in the submission letter. Methods The study was designed to analyze the manuscripts submitted to Nature-branded journals publishing primary research between March 2015 (when the Nature-branded primary research Primary research articles require a disclosure statement. This work was supported by [] (Grant numbers [] and []). Glitches in the system at the journals end could be another possibility. ->Editor assigned->Manuscript under consideration. . Dataset identifiers including DOIs should be expressed as full URLs. Online: 5. You will need to log in; if you do not have an account, you will be able to register for one when you submit. The editors of the receiving journal will take the reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases they may choose to take advice from additional reviewers. Figure captions begin with the term Fig. Authors are required to disclose financial or non-financial interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. For research involving animals, their data or biological material, authors should supply detailed information on the ethical treatment of their animals in their submission. No funding was received for conducting this study. [CDATA[> Keep lettering consistently sized throughout your final-sized artwork, usually about 23 mm (812 pt). This includes multiple affiliations (if applicable). How to write an email to the editor inquiring about the current status of my paper? Please note that retraction means that the article is maintained on the platform, watermarked retracted and the explanation for the retraction is provided in a note linked to the watermarked article. We would recommend waiting for about a week or two. Peer reviewers are entitled to request access to underlying data (and code) when needed for them to perform their evaluation of a manuscript. The title should be concise and informative. Where an Editor or Editorial Board Member is on the author list they must declare this in the competing interests section on the submitted manuscript. If your manuscript contains any individual persons data in any form (including any individual details, images or videos), consent for publication must be obtained from that person, or in the case of children, their parent or legal guardian. ISSN 2398-9629 (online). The questionnaire and methodology for this study was approved by the Human Research Ethics committee of the University of D (Ethics approval number: ). Authors are recommended to use their ORCID ID when submitting an article for consideration or acquire an ORCID ID via the submission process. Why is my manuscript still "Under consideration" even though it has already been 19 days? These submissions are subject to the exact same review process as any other manuscript. Further consideration may be merited if a reviewer made substantial errors of fact or there is significant evidence of bias, but only if a reversal of that reviewer's opinion would have changed the original decision. and now the editor finally started to take a look? Examples of statements to be used when ethics approval has been obtained: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Incomplete or incorrect information is also likely to result in your paper being rejected. Short communications should begin with a short abstract of up to 100 words. Not logged in If there is suspicion of misbehavior or alleged fraud the Journal and/or Publisher will carry out an investigation following COPE guidelines. The author(s) is/are requested to contact the journal and explain in what sense the error is impacting the article. Why my paper is still in "under consideration" for such a long time?

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